Peel, wash, and cut the potatoes into round slices. Apply salt and fry in oil until they soften, without turning brown. Leave them to dry on paper towel. Heat the butter and sauté the onion and mushrooms until their natural juices have evaporated.
Line a layer of fried potatoes inside a pan. Pour a portion of the graded cheese and pepper all across the pan equally and lay out half the mushrooms. Place a second layer of potatoes and cover them with cheese once again, followed by the rest of the mushrooms.
Prepare the semolina sauces as follows: Mix the milk with the semolina and half the butter in a pot. When the sauce begins to harden, add two whipped eggs, half the Kefalograviera cheese, salt, pepper, and pour across the surface of the pan. Apply the remainder of the cheese and spread the rest of the better in small chunks.
Place in the over for 30 minutes so that the sauce forms a crust.